Monthly Archives: August 2007

Huckabee Supports Nationwide Ban on Public Smoking

Huckabee said as President he would sign a bill to outlaw smoking nationwide in public places, and said he would also support a smoking ban in any indoor area where people work. 8-28-2007


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Name Recognition

Gallup Poll reports that among the four Republican frontrunners only Giuliani and McCain have high name recognition at 91% and 87% respectively. Romney has 64% recognition and undeclared Thompson has 56% recognition.  But only 46% of Republicans know all four candidates well enough to rate them. This leaves room for significant fluctuation in the leaderboard.  8-24-2007

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Thompson’s Appearance At Debates Expected Soon

Fred Thompson could be at the University of New Hampshire on Sept. 5 but more likely will come to the Morgan State University debate in Baltimore on Sept. 27.  8-19-2007

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Ohio May Not Be the Battleground State in 2008

Democratic strategists tell us that with Florida tilting more Republican and Ohio going the other way, it is states like Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico that will be the battlegrounds in 2008. Among the reasons, say Dems: a growing Hispanic population that leans left and independent voters angry with a fat and pushy federal government. “We’ve got a lot more places to play in 2008 than Florida and Ohio,” says a party strategist.  Paul Bedard  8-26-2007

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Hillary Considers Strickland as Running Mate

A new name has entered conversations among Democrats contemplating a running mate for Sen. Hillary Clinton if she is nominated for president: Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland.

Strickland, age 66,  easily won election as governor after five terms in Congress. He evokes interest for a Clinton ticket as a moderate liberal who has a clean record and comes from a closely contested swing state that decided the 2004 presidential election. Robert Novak   8-25-2007

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Michigan and Nevada Polls

Michigan (Aug 8-13)  Thompson 22%, Giuliani 19%, McCain 16%, Newt 15%, Romney 12%

Nevada (Aug 16) Romney 28%, Giuliani 18%, Fred Thompson 18%, McCain 8%, Newt 4%, Huckabee 3%, Undecided 18%,_2008  8-17-2007

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Filed under Fred Thompson, Gingrich, Giuliani, Huckabee, MCCain, Romney

Republican Delegate Polling Results Update 8-17-2007


 Giuliani 18 states, 1101 delegates, Fred Thompson 5 states 384 delegates, McCain 5 states 183 delegates, Romney 6 states 228 delegates, Brownback 1 state 39 delegates, Huckabee 1 state 34 delegates.,_2008   8-17-2007

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Romney Radio Ad on Immigration

Romney’s new radio ad set to air in Iowa and New Hampshire.

“Immigration laws don’t work if they’re ignored,” the ad’s announcer states. “That’s the problem with cities like Newark, San Francisco and New York City that adopt sanctuary policies. Sanctuary cities become magnets that encourage illegal immigration and undermine secure borders.”

“Legal immigration is great,” Romney himself says in the ad. “But illegal immigration, that we’ve got to end. And amnesty is not the way to do it.”

He also advocates in the ad cutting back on federal funds to cities that adopt sanctuary policies.    Alexander Mooney 8-21-2007

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Thompson at the VFW

Calling terrorism “a global threat” to the United States, Thompson pointed out that he thought the United States was at a crossroads and told the veterans “it’s time that we had a frank discussion in this country at the highest levels with both parties as to what it’s going to take and the unity we’re going to need” to battle terror.

Thompson also faulted those calling for a troop withdrawal from Iraq, saying it would hurt the overall fight against terrorism. Martina Stewart 8-21-2007

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Club For Growth Examines Romney’s Record

Governor Romney’s economic record contains a mixture of pro-growth accomplishments and some troublesome positions that beg to be explained,” said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. His record on taxes, spending, and entitlement reform is flawed, it is, on balance, encouraging. His record on trade, school choice, regulations and tort reform show a strong respect for the power of market solutions. At the same time, Governor Romney’s  statements are at odds with his gubernatorial record and his campaign rhetoric.

Romney’s strident opposition to the flat tax; his refusal to endorse the Bush tax cuts in 2003; his support for various minor tax hikes; and his once-radically bad views on campaign finance reform all cast doubt on his commitment to limited-government, pro-growth policies. His landmark steps in the healthcare arena also exhibit a mixture of desirable pro-free market efforts combined with a regrettable willingness to embrace massive new regulations.

“While Governor Romney still needs to explain some of his past positions,” Mr. Toomey continued, “given his overall record as governor and the strong pro-growth positions he has taken on the campaign trail, we are reasonably optimistic that, as President, Mitt Romney would generally advocate a pro-growth agenda.” 8-21-2007

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